So today is another day. Hubby read his letter I left him and I got really GOOD loving this morning. He is incredibly stressed out right along with me and that seems to be the source of my misconceptions on the issues. So I am watching "A Baby Story" on TLC and freaking myself out. Makes me so excited but scared! Have mothers really been having these kinds of anxieties for thousands of years? I just cannot imagine going through a pregnancy around 1800 A.D. Can you imagine? Hell back then a period was a "curse" so what did that make pregnancy? I have to have a C-Section due to past eye disease (cannot "push" because of fear of my retinas rupturing). So that is another anxiety. On the "Baby Story" today was a C-section. The only part that looked scary was the epidural. And the fact that they put a drape in front of your face??? Dont you get to see and have the baby put on you as soon as it is removed? Maybe that was just her....anyone know?
With my anxiety I have already cleaned out all the crap from the bathroom in preparation to move. Later I plan to tackle the dresser drawers and GET RID of a lot of clothes. Clothes I swear Ill wear but never do (and as my belly grows...I might as well just get rid of them now!) I want to move the minimal amount as we are moving a great distance and do not want to pack a bunch of BS that we can replace/dont need/or in my case have been "hoarding" for no reason. If anyone has a couple hours to spare, I could really use some help! Fresh ice tea and cookies here! Anyone wanting to be bribed?