Ok so I skipped a day...SORRY!
It is Saturday morning and it has been a LONG NIGHT of worry, tummy issues (NEEDED to puke and just didnt want to happen), and restless sleep. New worries?
- Getting FAT..I am already overweight and have had weight issues for my whole life. Food always sends me into a guilt mode. So, now I am pregnant (2 months 3 days) and seem to ALREADY be swelling up lower waist. Freaks me out to be honest. Sure I look forward to a preggy belly...but fat scares me!
- We need to move in less than 3 weeks...awesome and exciting one problem WE HAVE NO PLACE TO LIVE! Our loan doesnt go into effect until August 1st due to my job....Hubby needs to start work...renting is A JOKE in southern communities and quite frankly a WASTE when we want a house!
- Packing...OK I would love to get packed up and ready to go but my energy and motivation is PFFFFFFFFT! I just dont "FEEL LIKE" doing anything! I feel icky a lot of the time (wont do the TMI for everyone) but just dont feeeeeeeeeeel good.
Todays agenda: have to go to 2 games. Niece's softball and Nephew's baseball ok am I an evil aunt to PRAY FOR THE RAIN AND STORMS THEY ARE PREDICTING? Sitting out in the hot and humid afternoon just does not tickle my fancy. On top of that my night (see above) wasnt too glorious. But I feel guilty because we are "leaving them" to move and I do love them. Yeah Yeah I know buck up and go. I will just UGH...
So that is my Saturday, tomorrow is still up in the air. Probably go visit my parents and vent to them (well to mom anyway...dad doesnt deal well with my venting). And PACK...yeah..my mission will be 2 boxes done...that is an OK goal isnt it? Considering I need to do 1/2 the house still?
LOVE TO ALL AND THANKS FOR LETTING ME JUST "GET IT OUT" Will be posting some pics soon!