So today is another day. Hubby read his letter I left him and I got really GOOD loving this morning. He is incredibly stressed out right along with me and that seems to be the source of my misconceptions on the issues. So I am watching "A Baby Story" on TLC and freaking myself out. Makes me so excited but scared! Have mothers really been having these kinds of anxieties for thousands of years? I just cannot imagine going through a pregnancy around 1800 A.D. Can you imagine? Hell back then a period was a "curse" so what did that make pregnancy? I have to have a C-Section due to past eye disease (cannot "push" because of fear of my retinas rupturing). So that is another anxiety. On the "Baby Story" today was a C-section. The only part that looked scary was the epidural. And the fact that they put a drape in front of your face??? Dont you get to see and have the baby put on you as soon as it is removed? Maybe that was just her....anyone know?
With my anxiety I have already cleaned out all the crap from the bathroom in preparation to move. Later I plan to tackle the dresser drawers and GET RID of a lot of clothes. Clothes I swear Ill wear but never do (and as my belly grows...I might as well just get rid of them now!) I want to move the minimal amount as we are moving a great distance and do not want to pack a bunch of BS that we can replace/dont need/or in my case have been "hoarding" for no reason. If anyone has a couple hours to spare, I could really use some help! Fresh ice tea and cookies here! Anyone wanting to be bribed?
Yes its all natural .. birth has been happening for a long time now, well unless you happen to lay eggs. Its great you have a place to vent about all of this .. but sheesh calm down, as someone i knew once said .. the baby will be born when its ready whether you think you are prepared or not. C-section? yeah they do use a drape sometimes but they can put up a mirror so you can watch it all .. maybe even more than you want to, just talk to your doc about it way early so you can make a plan. Of course you should hold the baby immediately let the doc know you want that too. Don't ask, just tell him this is what I want to happen.
I can't really help on the worry for the C section thing. Mine was emergancy, and I didn't have many options.. I was strapped down, hands tied to board, they showed me the baby for a moment, then carted me out to pump me full of morphine. This of course is because it was an EMERGANCY. even though my birth wasn't what I would have planned Lil Bit and I got to bond, and are very close. Don't over stress on the birth not being "perfect" I never would have gone C section, would have had Hubby there, instead of with a fever of 103 and delusional at home. The curtian actually became a blessing, because otherwise my mother could not have been there with me because she insisted"I won't watch my baby be cut open".
Your C section being planned, you will get to plan and decide what you want, and have a birth plan. Mine was pretty much based on a vagianl birth. (baby center has a birth plan you can print out, and take with you) You will get options, and get to hold your baby afterwords. But even if it isn't perfect, it is the BABY that matters, not the birth. As long as the baby is healthy, that is what matters.
Yes, you can have a mirror - the drape isn't so you can't see the baby...the drape is for protection - a lot of fluids (both bodily & medical, such as iodine) are going on & in your abdomen during a caesarean birth. They will absolutely hold her up for you to see as soon as she's out! And while I hear what Joyce is saying about communicating your desires to the doc, you *might* not be able to hold the baby right away. A caesarean is surgery - it affects both you and the baby. And because the baby doesn't go through the same things as s/he does during a vaginal birth (will explain the gory details if you'd like to know), there are things that have to be checked before they can just hand her to you. It's not that they're deliberately trying to keep you from bonding with your child, they have to do certain things to ensure that she's able to breathe properly, etc. Tell your doctor you would like to have the baby right away...but understand that it's more likely that they will have to suction her nose & mouth, warm her up, etc., before they can hand her to you. No worries, babe. You've got plenty of time to talk all of this through with your OB. And I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have. :)
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